Sunday 5 February 2017



           There were two friends in a forest, a mango tree and a banyan tree. They talked to each other all day long.

              Every night lions and tigers came and slept under them. The mango tree did not like the animals. "I will drive them away." He said, "They roar loudly and smell bad."

               The banyan tree said, "Don't do that. We need each other. We must live together." But the mango tree did not listen to him. That night the mango tree shook its branches and made loud noises. The animals thought it was a demon and they ran away. The mango tree was happy.

                 The next evening two wood cutters came to the forest. They saw the big mango tree. One of them said, "There is no wild animal here. So let's cut down this tree." They began to cut the mango tree.

                  "I told you we need the animals and they need us. If we do not help each other we can get hurt." Said the banyan tree.


Saturday 4 February 2017



        A washerman had a donkey and a dog. Every morning he went to the river to wash clothes. The donkey carried the load of clothes. The donkey lived in a shed outside the master's house. The dog stayed inside the house all day. In the evening he was happy when his master came back. He licked him and jumped on him. The master lifted the dog in his arms and took him inside the house.

         The donkey also wanted to live in the house. "I might also act like the dog," he said to himself. Then he will surely lift me in his arms. He will surely carry me into the house."

          The next evening , the donkey, went into the house. He jumped on his master. He began licking him. The master did not lift the donkey. He took him to the shed.

           "You are not like the dog", he told the donkey, as he patted him. "You are much bigger. So you cannot come into the house. You are also heavy and so you must not jump on me. I can lift the dog but I cannot lift you. But I love you so much as I love the dog. You must understand that you are different."



                           Once there was a foolish turtle. He had two birds as friends. He saw the birds fly. He also wished he could fly like them. 
            One day he was sad. The birds asked him, why he was so sad. The turtle said, "I wish I had wings like you." The birds said, "you may not have wings but you have a hard shell on your back to protect you" but the turtle said, "I want to fly and see the world high from the sky." The birds began to think how they could make the turtle happy.
              The birds found a strong stick to help the turtle. They each hold one end of the stick in their beaks. The turtle at the middle held the stick with his mouth. The birds flew with the stick carrying the turtle. Soon they were high in the sky. The turtle wondered at how everything looked so tiny. He opened his mouth to say, "Look, I'm flying!" and immediately he fell down. Luckily he fell into a pond and was saved. After that he never wished to fly again.